Turning the palm of your hand into a smartphone interface

The new technology transforms your hand into an invisible touch screen.The imaginary phone recognizes gestures and the position of keys on your phone so you can perform simple smart phone tasks without taking it out of your pocket.

Here the concept,the imaginary phone uses a depth-sensitive camera which detects hand gestures such as tapping and sliding, software to analyze the video, and a wireless radio to send the instructions back to the smartphone. The imaginary phone serves as a shortcut which frees users from the necessity to retrieve the actual physical device. Unless the user is already wearing a Bluetooth headset, the concept probably won't be much use for answering calls , unless you like yelling at your pocket  but the concept would be more useful for sending calls to voicemail or turning off an alarm.
 watch  demo video below
What do you think about this technology ?Is this a good one?.......

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