This word is so popular nowadays. Yeah !!! its a name of a famous virus that is often seen in your PC. But its not a new word. Its a very old one having its derivative from Trojan wars that was fought between the mighty Troys n Greeks in 11th century BC.


What is recession???

                              Well this word has created a lot of  trouble to the people in industries, especially IT sector... Recession is nothing but economic breakdown. It is a sort of buisness contraction i.e., general slowdown of economic activity.

                            To explain more clearly lets us first see about the budgets of any country. There are two types of budget generally. One is Surplus budget and the other is Deficit budget.

SURPLUS BUDGET:  It means that the profit of a country is more than that of the expenses it has spent in a                      year.                             
DEFICIT BUDGET: It means that there is no profit for the country. A country takes more loan from   international banks. That is the expenses of the country is high.

Goddess for education and arts

Hi frens ,Today is  an auspicious day ...........Can u guess what it is?............. Yes it is day of EDUCATION and ARTS.I wish from my team a very special n joyful
        ********Happy Saraswathi Pooja And Ayudha Pooja**********