Next Generation 3D TV

After the success of Avatar in cinemas and the flood of 3D technology introduced at trade shows like CES 2010,3D TV is finally becoming a reality in our technology life. All the major players are well and truly on the 3D bandwagon and they’re set to make a lot of noise to try and entice consumers on board too. To help you navigate the 3D waters as various companies spruik their particular brand of 3D technology we’ve taken a look at what’s on offer, when it will hit shelves and how much it will cost.
In their favor the 3D TV manufactures may benefit from huge success of Avatar and the subsequent upswell in interest of 3D technology. This interest is set to continue with the number of 3D films coming out of Hollywood set to increase along with the introduction of 3D TV broadcasts – most notably with this year’s Football World Cup.
Also, the prices for 3D capable TVs aren’t completely out of the reach of the average consumer – something that isn’t usually the case with the introduction of next generation technology. Because TV manufacturers were able to make use of existing manufacturing facilities instead of building new ones has helped keep prices down.
On one hand, 3D is certainly creating a buzz. On the other, there’s a hell of a lot of TVs sitting in people’s living rooms that aren’t all that old. Sure, like it or not we’re a throwaway society but how many people are going to be willing to trash the big-screen HDTV that’s only a few years old.
For those who can’t wait to get 3D into their home and have the cash to splurge, there’s also the drawbacks of early adoption to consider – look at how many revisions to the Blu-ray spec there were. The more prudent among us might just wait until 2nd generation, but the push is undoubtedly on to get these sets into homes and 3D TV is here to stay.

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