Have you ever thought, why a lightening cause sound. Well many people misunderstand that the sound produced is due to two charged air mass, that is, the clouds strike each other to produce sound.

Well Lightening is atmospheric electro-static discharge, that is accompanied by thunderstorm, volcanoes, etc., When lightening strikes, huge amount of atmospheric electric charges are discharged into the earth's atmosphere. During this process, the charges are discharged in with a very high speed (nearly 2,20,000 km/hr) and can reach a temperature of about 30,000 degree Celsius. And that is why sound is produced. Weird... Isn't it?

Well the main reason for sound during lightening is due to AIR FRICTION. Have you ever noticed a lean and long object (e.g., stick), when moved fastly against free air ll produce sound. This is because there is a little amount of friction in air. When stick is moved in air, it cuts the air around (friction between air and stick), thereby creating some sound. Same way when lightening strikes, there is friction between these charges and air. Moreover, lightening enters the atmosphere with greater velocity. And that's the reason why sound is produced during lightening.

1 comment:

  1. EXACTLY !!! thats the reason why there is different sound when aeroplane is in air. Its all due to air friction only.
